Foodborne Illnesses - Specific

Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) A(H5N1)


Escherichia coli O157:H7

Listeria monocytogenes

Vibrio vulnificus

  • The Risk of Eating Raw Molluscan Shellfish Containing Vibrio vulnificus (2011, International Shellfish Sanitation Conference & American Liver Foundation) (PDF 3.4 MB)
  • In Spanish: El Reisgo de Comer Moluscos CRUDOS Con Vibrio vulnificus (2011, International Shellfish Sanitation Conference & American Liver Foundation) (PDF 1.2 MB)
    "If you eat raw oysters, you need to know..." This brochure explains the risk of eating raw oysters. Vibrio vulnificus is an organism that may be found in raw oysters. Illness associated with this organism is particularly serious for people with liver disease, either from excessive alcohol intake, viral hepatitis or other causes, hemochromatosis, an iron disorder, diabetes, stomach problems, including previous stomach surgery and low stomach acid (for example, from antacid use), cancer, immune disorders, including HIV infection, long-term steroid use (as for asthma and arthritis).